Inaugural Post

"Ideas are like dreams, they will disappear unless we record them. Write a book, a blog, build a company, anything that makes the ideas real." - Simon Sinek

I keep thinking to myself about various things - so many thoughts jumble around in my head, it's difficult to keep things straight. Simon Sinek, one of my favorite leadership gurus, is straightforward when it comes to his thoughts on ideas: do something with them. Write them down. Type them. Share them. Just DO SOMETHING with those ideas of yours. This is my attempt to make these ideas real.

The point of this blog is to write about the things that are important to me, and some of the more frivolous things that I find along the way. Some posts might be serious, and some no-so-serious.

Oh, and about the name: I love to soak in a hot, fragrant, bubble bath. (I'll also take soaking in a hot tub, or in a pool - or even taking a long shower.) I do some of my best thinking when I'm soaking. Mostly, it's because I'm left alone, and I can usually relax. (Which is why the bath/pool/hot tube is better for me than a shower - I can completely immerse myself in the water.) That's where the name comes from - this blog will be about those 'Slices of Life Beyond the Bath'.

So, until next time... enjoy those 'Slices of Life Beyond the Bath'.


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