Monthly Beauty Favorites - Using Up My Stash

I have a slight problem - my obsession with beauty products. I have been obsessed with cosmetics since I was a small child - I remember my Mom doing her hair, and putting on her makeup each morning, and I was always transfixed, watching her.

As of late, I'm still  obsessed with beauty products, and have amassed quite a stash. Cosmetics, and their associated items, aren't meant to last forever, and will start to breakdown after awhile. Now, most of this can be overcome (see the previous entry), but with lip products (and cream based products in general), once it starts to smell bad - it's gone. The oils/fats in the item have turned rancid. It happens - no big deal.

I'm trying to not amass any additional color cosmetics (HA!), so I'm going to start listing when I purge items, or, even, when I finish some items! See that pic below? That's an older shot of just my LIPSTICKS. Nevermind the lipgloss - just lipSTICKS. (For the record, this is an older picture, and only used for illustrative purposes.)
 My next post should be an accounting of those items I've used up in July, 2014. Now, don't fret if August's listing isn't as...robust. I'm constantly using stuff up - but documenting it, to keep me on track, is something different. I remember I tried to use down my stash of shower gel once - I got down to 2 bottles in reserve, and one in use - I got twitchy. (Seriously). I actually felt some anxiety over using up some of my beauty stash! I haven't tried to use up my stash (in any meaningful way) since.

Stay tuned for my next posting - Monthly Empties for July, 2014
