I, like so many other bloggers, have a bunch of STUFF - and cosmetics are no exception. A popular topic are the 'Monthly Favorites', "Monthly Hits and Misses', 'Monthly Empties'. I figure that this would be a good topic for this blog, too - if for nothing else, but to keep me honest.
This is a good start - but nowhere near the amount of makeup I actually have. It boggles the mind, I tell you...
I'll start keeping track of the items I use up/throw out/give away as well as those I add to the collection. I have to decide just how I'm going to give the information. For empties, some keep a bag or box, and when it gets full, that's when they post the list. Some do it each month, without fail, and some keep a running list. I'm thinking about the bag/box method, or the 'monthly empties'. I'll figure it out, I'm sure.
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