REVIEW: Crabtree & Evelyn Fragrances: Nantucket Briar and Summer Hill
I like fragrances. In fact, I don't feel fully dressed unless I'm wearing some sort of perfume. Currently, since it's cold and (a bit) snowy in Chicago (it IS January, yo), I'm wearing the heady, slightly spicy, buttery vanilla that is Dior Addict Eau de parfum. To me, this fragrance is PERFECT for colder weather - I can't fathom the idea of wearing it during summer. I know that many people have a signature scent that they wear year 'round, so if you like to wear heavier fragrances in the summer - please continue to do you, Boo. Seriously. Wear it and feel FABULOUS! <3
I know that we're in the throes of winter, but spring is on my mind - so today, I'd like to talk about two of my favorite fragrances from the oh-so-posh purveyors of fine British bath and body items, Crabtree & Evelyn. These are not just fragrances, mind you - there is a whole line of bath and body care items that go along with the fragrance. Heck - they even offer home fragrances, perfumed drawer liners, their own line of gourmet food items, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Seriously. Check out their website HERE.
They have a variety of fragrances to choose from, but today, I'm going to talk about 2: Nantucket Briar and Summer Hill. I'm going to discuss these two fragrances in terms of each other, mostly because they're similar, but so different. We'll start with Nantucket Briar:
When I was younger, my oldest sister gave me a few pieces of 'Nantucket Briar' scented items - I think it was a wee bar of soap, a wee body powder and scented sachet for my drawer. I'll bet you that if I look hard enough, I'd still find that sachet, and it would still, vaguely, smell of this fragrance. It is crisp, clean, fresh and even, slightly, bracing. It's almost as if you can smell the chill in the air, with the roses and the fresh, watery, breezes.
Here's what Crabtree & Evelyn have to say about 'Nantucket Briar': Evoke memories of Nantucket Island and idyllic summers by the sea… salt air, wild briar roses and freshly laundered linens.
•Classic floral
•Oriental fragrance
•Perfect for day or evening
Fragrance: A nostalgic blend of briar roses, bergamot, fresh greens, amber and vanilla.
Spot on. Great description. This is a crisp, green, floral, with a good dose of rose - but the rose isn't sexy. It's fresh. It's young. It's VERY feminine, but more along the line of a young woman who is coming into herself - she's discovering who she is, what she likes and of course, what she doesn't like. This fragrance, to me, is light enough to suite a whole range of ages, from the very young, even to the older, more sophisticated woman. It reminds me of Spring - the very essence of Spring, contained in a fragrance.
Now, to contrast this, here is Crabtree & Evelyn's 'Summer Hill':

Growing up, my family was lucky enough to have a summer house in semi-rural Wisconsin. I remember the heat of the summer permeating EVERYTHING. We didn't have air-conditioning in the house, but it didn't really seem to matter. We would spend our days by the lake, and walk back to the house, usually sunburned and exhausted, but eager to do it all again the next day. I remember how the summer heat that permeated everything, and made everything so intense: the colors of the flowers and the grass, and their aromas combining, and wafting in the breeze.
If 'Nantucket Briar' is 'Spring in a bottle', then 'Summer Hill' is most definitely the essence of summer in a bottle.
This is one of the headiest, sexiest, floral blends I've experienced in quite awhile. It is lingering, and sexy. It is floral, but this isn't a cutesy, bland, unoffensive floral - nor will it make you smell like your Grandma. Here's what Crabtree & Evelyn have to say about it:
Our light and airy fragrance captures a perfect summer day in a warm white floral blend of summer grasses, field lilies, wild flowers and orchard fruits.
•Classic floral
•Warm white floral fragrance
•Perfect for day or evening
Fragrance: Warm, white floral blend of summer grasses, wildflowers and orchard fruits
'Summer Hill' is sexy, but it's not overtly sexy, which makes it all the more alluring. It doesn't have to 'beat you over the head' with it's sexuality - but it does. If 'Summer Hill' were a woman, she'd be confident, and relaxed, but playful. She know what she wants, she knows how to get it, and doesn't mind getting it for herself, but if you want to get it for her, well, you know... She's strong, but also delicate.
Nantucket Briar may sparkle, but Summer Hill will dazzle.
Nantucket Briar is like the perky, bubbly, younger sister, who is fun to be around, but not annoying. Summer Hill is the sophisticated older sister who is smooth, in control of herself and comfortable with her sensuality.
If you find yourself near a Crabtree & Evelyn store - do yourself a favor, and try these fragrances. You'll be delighted to learn that in addition to the fragrance sprays, they also carry a whole plethora of bath and body products to help layer the scent. I love using their bath and shower gel as a bubble bath, because they're so beautifully scented, and I love how my bathroom smells after using Nantucket Briar or Summer Hill.
I know that we're in the throes of winter, but spring is on my mind - so today, I'd like to talk about two of my favorite fragrances from the oh-so-posh purveyors of fine British bath and body items, Crabtree & Evelyn. These are not just fragrances, mind you - there is a whole line of bath and body care items that go along with the fragrance. Heck - they even offer home fragrances, perfumed drawer liners, their own line of gourmet food items, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Seriously. Check out their website HERE.
They have a variety of fragrances to choose from, but today, I'm going to talk about 2: Nantucket Briar and Summer Hill. I'm going to discuss these two fragrances in terms of each other, mostly because they're similar, but so different. We'll start with Nantucket Briar:
Nantucket Briar, by Crabtree & Evelyn |
When I was younger, my oldest sister gave me a few pieces of 'Nantucket Briar' scented items - I think it was a wee bar of soap, a wee body powder and scented sachet for my drawer. I'll bet you that if I look hard enough, I'd still find that sachet, and it would still, vaguely, smell of this fragrance. It is crisp, clean, fresh and even, slightly, bracing. It's almost as if you can smell the chill in the air, with the roses and the fresh, watery, breezes.
Here's what Crabtree & Evelyn have to say about 'Nantucket Briar': Evoke memories of Nantucket Island and idyllic summers by the sea… salt air, wild briar roses and freshly laundered linens.
•Classic floral
•Oriental fragrance
•Perfect for day or evening
Fragrance: A nostalgic blend of briar roses, bergamot, fresh greens, amber and vanilla.
Spot on. Great description. This is a crisp, green, floral, with a good dose of rose - but the rose isn't sexy. It's fresh. It's young. It's VERY feminine, but more along the line of a young woman who is coming into herself - she's discovering who she is, what she likes and of course, what she doesn't like. This fragrance, to me, is light enough to suite a whole range of ages, from the very young, even to the older, more sophisticated woman. It reminds me of Spring - the very essence of Spring, contained in a fragrance.
Now, to contrast this, here is Crabtree & Evelyn's 'Summer Hill':
Growing up, my family was lucky enough to have a summer house in semi-rural Wisconsin. I remember the heat of the summer permeating EVERYTHING. We didn't have air-conditioning in the house, but it didn't really seem to matter. We would spend our days by the lake, and walk back to the house, usually sunburned and exhausted, but eager to do it all again the next day. I remember how the summer heat that permeated everything, and made everything so intense: the colors of the flowers and the grass, and their aromas combining, and wafting in the breeze.
If 'Nantucket Briar' is 'Spring in a bottle', then 'Summer Hill' is most definitely the essence of summer in a bottle.
This is one of the headiest, sexiest, floral blends I've experienced in quite awhile. It is lingering, and sexy. It is floral, but this isn't a cutesy, bland, unoffensive floral - nor will it make you smell like your Grandma. Here's what Crabtree & Evelyn have to say about it:
Our light and airy fragrance captures a perfect summer day in a warm white floral blend of summer grasses, field lilies, wild flowers and orchard fruits.
•Classic floral
•Warm white floral fragrance
•Perfect for day or evening
Fragrance: Warm, white floral blend of summer grasses, wildflowers and orchard fruits
'Summer Hill' is sexy, but it's not overtly sexy, which makes it all the more alluring. It doesn't have to 'beat you over the head' with it's sexuality - but it does. If 'Summer Hill' were a woman, she'd be confident, and relaxed, but playful. She know what she wants, she knows how to get it, and doesn't mind getting it for herself, but if you want to get it for her, well, you know... She's strong, but also delicate.
Nantucket Briar may sparkle, but Summer Hill will dazzle.
Nantucket Briar is like the perky, bubbly, younger sister, who is fun to be around, but not annoying. Summer Hill is the sophisticated older sister who is smooth, in control of herself and comfortable with her sensuality.
If you find yourself near a Crabtree & Evelyn store - do yourself a favor, and try these fragrances. You'll be delighted to learn that in addition to the fragrance sprays, they also carry a whole plethora of bath and body products to help layer the scent. I love using their bath and shower gel as a bubble bath, because they're so beautifully scented, and I love how my bathroom smells after using Nantucket Briar or Summer Hill.
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